The MS has wiped out my right leg and I have three kids in the tub. What to do? It's gone all floppy. Anyone have any tips?
I'm not sure my big girls are up to this. They are normally upbeat and helpful, but with Steadfast gone all these months and being unable to walk (at the moment) I am relying on them more to be my legs... it's getting to the point that no matter which one I ask to help they say "can't you ask Jane???" or "can't you ask Elizabeth??" And honestly, I don't feel I should lean on them. They're kids after all. Not mothers or nurses. They didn't sign up to have a mom with MS. On the other hand... this is what we are given to work with. What would I do if they both weren't here and Steadfast was gone? I would have to manage somehow. I need to find some way to manage.
I'm not sure my big girls are up to this. They are normally upbeat and helpful, but with Steadfast gone all these months and being unable to walk (at the moment) I am relying on them more to be my legs... it's getting to the point that no matter which one I ask to help they say "can't you ask Jane???" or "can't you ask Elizabeth??" And honestly, I don't feel I should lean on them. They're kids after all. Not mothers or nurses. They didn't sign up to have a mom with MS. On the other hand... this is what we are given to work with. What would I do if they both weren't here and Steadfast was gone? I would have to manage somehow. I need to find some way to manage.
Is there any possibility you could get a helper? Talk to your doctor and maybe they have some suggestions that your insurance could help with. Your doc can get you a referral to a social worker who can help with finding ways to manage at home. A social worker will help you with all the insurance red tape etc. etc.. They are amazing.
I will send up some prayers for you today.
Insurance is not an option for me because I had a pre-existing condition when my husband's former employer dropped our insurance without letting us know for a few months. We pay over $1000 a month to insure the girls and Steadfast. To insure me, as well, doubles that amount and includes a huge deductible of a few thousand.
We are hoping after our move to the state where my husband's current employer is, that we will have other options for insurance and can get things taken care of. :)
My leg is better today and I am able to walk. These attacks only last for a few days, so they're only minor inconveniences. I know many people have it much worse than I.