"We're not a family, we're a party." - Elizabeth, 13

Elizabeth and I watched with great interest an ad about a contest where they are seeking families to participate. "You can be any kind of family... families are wonderful and diverse, and they come in all kinds of ways and shapes... we're looking for all kinds of families to participate, just as long as it has no more than four members." If your family has more than four, you are disqualified from participating.

Elizabeth noted that companies don't seem to know what a family is anymore. She pointed out that if we go buy a readymade frozen "family size" meal in the grocery store, we need at least three packages, not one, and the "family size" lasagna barely feeds us. I remarked that was true, and that is why I purchase the party sized lasagna instead. I also mentioned that if we go out to a nice restaurant we are charged an extra gratuity because of the size of our "party". At this the teen lost her indignancy and collapsed on the floor in giggles.

"We're not a family, we're a party!"


Thicket Dweller said…
I love this sentiment! I hope you don't mind if we borrow it to describe our family, too. ;-)

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