Make your own poem...

I found this at Kimberley's Blog and she found it somewhere else. ;o) Finish each sentence to create your own bit of poetry.

I am
I wonder
I hear
I see
I want
I am

I pretend
I feel
I touch
I worry
I cry
I am

I understand
I say
I dream
I try
I hope
I am

Here's mine:

I am weary
I wonder what the dog is barking at
I hear her barking
I see nothing in the darkness
I want her to be quiet and let me sleep
I am weary

I pretend to be strong
I feel so weak
I touch Catherine's damp forehead
I worry that she's been sick
I cry tears of hopelessness
I am so far behind in getting this house in order

I understand this too shall pass.
I say "be strong, and of good courage"
I dream that I am not afraid
I try not to be
I hope I can be strong
I am so weary.


Paula said…
((HUGS)) that tomorrow that same verse will be filled with happier sentiments.
Paula said…
((HUGS)) that tomorrow that same verse will be filled with happier sentiments.
Kimmi Booth said…
hit a cord with me!
Thicket Dweller said…
Yes, yes. I do understand and completely sympathize. It's okay. There are seasons of weariness. They make those seasons of strength so much sweeter. My prayers for you...
Babette said…
Yoga energizes and brings deep sleep to tired mamas. I just saw one of your comments at Anne's lovely blog. I shall read on down...God's Peace!

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