What if you long for something, but you have a spiritual conviction not to pursue that something... but you see other Christians pursuing it and validating their reasons.... and you feel your reasons look foolish to them, and you feel foolish for standing in what you believe to be true... yet you know you still cannot pursue it, because you have no doubt it is wrong? How does anyone make a stand anymore in this world? There are compromises right and left and people rushing to validate their reasons, and ready to shout "don't you dare judge me!" When I'm not judging, just stating my own stand. If they feel hurt... "socked in the stomach"... isn't it perhaps because the Spirit is convicting them? If there is no truth to my stance, why should it phase them? We are usually hurt most by the truth, when we are not standing in it, but our spirit knows we should be. If someone says "your daughter is a brat" and you know she is not, it doesn...
my name is Rebeca and i'm 24 years old. i live in Spain. i found your blog through a search in google. i wrote "i want to be a housewife" and then i clicked. sometimes you need a little help from the outside world.
i was amazed when i read you have seven daughters. i know you know how lucky you are. i'm sure you think about it everyday. i just needed to comment and tell you that it's wonderful, the life you are building for your daughters and how important it is to have such a good mother as you seem to be.
i just wanted to say this, that it is beautiful, the life you have and that i hope someday i can have something similar. if i work hard, if i put my heart into it.
thank you for making me believe. (i'm so glad there are good people in this world, making such an effort to raise our children and make them happy)
take care.