Pre-Lenten Reflections

I was using The Little Black Book today, thinking about Lent. When Father gave a Lenten talk this last Tuesday evening, one thing that he just swiftly passed over, but really struck me, was that our Lenten sacrifice should be something we do or don’t do that keeps us from developing a relationship with God. I was trying to think of my time suckers... things that keep me from reading the Bible, or praying... the Little Black Book says don’t just pull from the file of resolutions we keep in the back of our mind... my files always include fasting, or “no tv” or “no social media” - but I realized my main hindrance to a relationship with Christ is my lack of self-discipline to just make time to be with Him. As I jotted down ideas in the book, I noticed that instead of discipline, I accidentally wrote disciple. A-ha! It takes discipline to be a disciple! Discipline - Latin disciplina "instruction given, teaching, learning, knowledge,...